
Flying Korea, Britain

Discounts on air fares and hotel rooms, while flying domestic routes in other countries, are worth exploring.

For example, Korean Air offers a 30% discount on rooms at 38 hotels in South Korea to passengers on domestic flights in the country.

However, requests for such discount coupons must be made when tickets are purchased. For example, if you take an LAX-Seoul flight and afterward a connecting flight within Korea to Pusan or another city, you can ask for the coupons at the airline’s passenger information counter at Kimpo Airport in Seoul upon arrival.


Thirteen hotels in Seoul are in the program, including the Sheraton Walker Hill, Shilla, Lotte and Seoul Hilton. Other cities with hotel discounts include Pusan, Kwangju, Pohang, Kyongju and Taegu.

There is no limitation on the number of coupons. When the hotel booking is made, even if the reservation is set up in the United States, inform the agents of the discount coupons.

So far there is no cutoff date for this program, but there may be blackout periods later, particularly around the Summer Olympic Games, a Korean Air spokesman said.


For more information, contact the Passenger Marketing Department, Korean Air, 6101 W. Imperial Highway, Los Angeles 90045, phone (213) 417-5225.

British airline Dan-Air is offering a Visit U.K. fare that allows travelers to fly any segment on the carrier’s domestic system for $66 U.S. Additional segment flights cost $49 each.

Dan-Air flies throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Service includes London (Heathrow and Gatwick airports), Bristol, Bournemouth, Newcastle, Leeds/Bradford and the Island of Jersey; Aberdeen and Inverness, Scotland; Cardiff, Wales, and Belfast, Northern Ireland.


You could, for example, fly from London to Aberdeen, drive to Inverness and fly back to London.

The London-Aberdeen segment would cost $66 and the Inverness-London flight $49. Discounts from regular point-to-point fares range from 30% to 40%.

The Visit U.K. fare can only be booked in conjunction with a transatlantic flight, which can be on any airline. The fare also has to be booked through travel agents, and the first flight-segment reservation within the United Kingdom has to be made in the United States.

Since this fare is capacity controlled, set up reservations for other segments as well, particularly during the summer. You face a $25 charge per itinerary change after initial reservations are made.
