
Striking Back

To Mr. Provenzano (Calendar Letters, May 1): I’m sorry the writers strike is so boring. Maybe you’d like to trade places? It’s really exciting for those of us on strike to try to make mortgage payments, put clothes on our kids and wonder where our next money is coming from.

Sure, you can “write the next episode” of some TV show. That’s called “scabbing,” and you can forget about trying to join the WGA if you do.

To Mr. Roland: Your wit makes your ignorance all the more appalling. The strike isn’t just for the 10% of writers who make more than $100,000 a year. It’s also for the 50% who make less than $6,000 a year. Residuals (one of the strike issues) provide income for the many of us who are not “croissant-and-caviar” writers.


Finally, to Mr. Kapalcoff: I won’t try to defend TV shows you don’t like. But you obviously do not know that the “independent channels and . . . cable” stations also produce shows that are written by people who call themselves writers.

And the strike is not even about “more money,” as you could easily have discovered. It’s about maintaining a residuals formula and keeping up with both inflation and the incredible profits of the studios.


North Hollywood
