
Critic Lashes Control of Some Vocal Groups

Sam Hall Kaplan detailed (April 17) his unhappy experience with the growing vocal groups that now appear to control many homeowners’ associations in our city. Hopefully, Mr. Kaplan will now understand why those of us who try to take a broad-based approach to the good and welfare of our entire city are concerned about the concept of placing control of our city’s future in the hands of neighborhood groups.

There are many of us who are just as concerned about traffic, environment and overdevelopment as are these “don’t change anything” groups. However, we also know that growth is inevitable, a place must be made for those who follow behind us and want to share in the good life, neighborhood merchants must be protected, parking must be provided, housing must be provided for all economic levels and non-surface transportation systems must be built today to service the population of tomorrow.

These concepts are opposed by the NIMYN’s (not in my neighborhood) who, if they carry the day, will create the very environmental disaster they think they are protecting themselves from.



Los Angeles

Katz is chairman of the transportation, housing and planning committee of Los Angeles West Chamber of Commerce.
