
Santa Monica : Pico Kenter Drain Plan OKd

The Environmental Impact Report for the Pico Kenter Storm Drain Improvement Program, concluding that the project would benefit Santa Monica beaches and public health, has been approved by the City Council.

The report focused on the possible effects of extending the Pico Kenter storm drain from its current outlet to a point 600 feet beyond the surf line. It found that the project would greatly reduce the number of people who would risk coming into contact with any toxins released from the drain.

Currently, the Pico Kenter drain releases runoff directly onto the beach at the end of Pico Avenue. The water periodically forms a pool before flowing across the beach into the surf.


The report also stated that the extension would have no adverse effects on either marine life or water quality in Santa Monica Bay.

The extended pipeline would include a sensor alarm and slide-gate system designed to detect and limit hydrocarbon vapors entering the bay through the storm drain. Construction is scheduled to begin in October.

Despite the favorable conclusions of the report, Councilman David Finkel suggested that the extension be considered a short-term solution to beach pollution, and he warned the council not to be “lulled into a sense of false security” by the program.
