
Depletion of Ozone Layer

As the ozone layer disappears, human skin cancer is the least of the planet’s perils. UV light kills plankton, while blue-green algae are unaffected. These creatures comprise the base of the marine food chain: A population explosion of algae and decline of plankton will send shock waves of extinctions throughout marine phyla.

In the stratosphere, changing temperatures will in turn alter the “jet stream” currents, reshaping global weather patterns in ways we can neither predict nor anticipate.

The Montreal Protocol, calling for a 50% phase-out of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons by the year 2000, is the equivalent of tossing a bucket of water on the Chicago fire. The very least we should try is mandatory recycling of the coolant in discarded refrigerators and car air-conditioners.


Six U.S. corporations make half the world’s CFCs. Let’s legislate an immediate halt to production. Less harmful substitutes exist. They cost more, but if the ban is industry-wide, no one will lose profits.

Extraterrestrial scientists will shake their tentacles in amazement at a civilization that killed its planet because people were unwilling to interfere with six companies’ profits.


Director, Save the World

Los Angeles
