
Local News in Brief : Police Charge Proposed

By unanimous vote, the Palos Verdes Estates City Council has introduced an ordinance that would allow the city to bill for the police cost of breaking up large, noisy parties.

The ordinance was introduced by council members concerned about large weekend parties that choke local streets, disturb neighbors and require police to disperse revelers.

“It’s not the 30 guests per party that cause the problem,” Palos Verdes Estates Police Capt. Mike Tracy said. “It’s the 300 guests per party that are causing the problem.”


Palos Verdes Estates Police Chief Jimmie Kennedy said police break up about three large parties a week.

The ordinance, patterned after similar laws in La Palma and Orange, provides that revelers can be given a first warning by police. If police are called back to the party, costs to those responsible begin to mount. Kennedy said those costs would be 60 cents per minute per police officer, plus a charge for equipment, such as flares.

A public hearing on the proposed law will be held on March 8.
