
Not a Fan of Pro-Warner Ridge Group

I am writing in response to the article (Feb. 4) in which Tom Friedman is quoted as saying that the members of his Concerned Carlton Terrace Homeowners believe the seven-building Warner Ridge project proposed for the northeast corner of Oxnard Street and De Soto Avenue “the best development scenario which has ever been considered for this property.”

Mr. Friedman states that 40 homeowners in Carlton Terrace have joined about 65 homeowners in the Warner Hills Condominiums to support said project.

I do not know where Mr. Friedman got his information, but it is far from being accurate. I am one of the owners of a unit in Warner Hills who, along with at least seven other neighbors, have vigorously opposed this office project for some time.


The above families have joined the Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization in our fight to keep the project out. We live and own units in the Warner Hills Condominiums and, in no way, go along with Mr. Friedman’s statement that we have joined this group in support of this “development scenario.” There are perhaps others in our group who are also opposed to it, but their views are yet unknown.

Mr. Friedman has never asked us for our opinion and has not the right to speak for us.



Woodland Hills
