
‘Christians Who Also Carry a Badge’

“C’mon, Harry, give it to me straight. Is there good money in being ‘born again’?” was the caption of a cartoon in the Times some years ago.

This seems to be the current notion about the born-again phenomenon. But born again is an element of character, a motivation to do a good job not for self-promotion but for God’s approval. The units where it appears are as diverse as Pentecostal, Episcopalian or Catholic churches. Their motivation is to solve people problems by working together.

The separation of church and state is another aspect of American freedom that is confused here. No one is forced to join or support a church.


But speaking of a character trait like courage or hope as a gift from God does not endorse any specific religious group, and such ideas are helpful at neighborhood or other meetings in which options for action are discussed.

When the born-again experience results in superior work by a police officer, as for anyone else, then that person is likely to be found good material for promotion.


