
Cat Lady at Lockheed

I read with much interest the “kitty caper” which involved Lockheed and Newberry, the cat Lady who has been feeding strays there for years.

Being in the humane field for over 15 years, I do understand Newberry’s feelings for the strays. However, I do understand that being too kind can be cruel.

She says that some employees there were cruel to the cats and kittens. How could she condone this if she so loved these strays? There are so many humane groups that could and would have helped her capture the cats and kittens with humane traps--if only she would have called.


Feeding strays anyone can do. But to care for them when they are sick, to mend them when they are abused. To humanely have them put to sleep if suffering and old. That is real responsibility.

Many wild cats cannot be tamed and have to be euthanized. Maybe she did not believe in that. But that is more humane than to see cats abused--especially those kittens that were flung on high roofs to leap to their deaths or die of dehydration!



(Hosea is founder and president of Feline and Canine Friends Inc.)
