

Three versions of softball are played in San Diego County. Fast-pitch softball is generally a low-scoring game, dominated by pitching. Pitches are delivered underhand, with high velocity, and an umpire calls balls and strikes in a knees-to-armpits strike zone. In slow-pitch, the county’s most prevalent form of softball, the pitcher relies on arching the ball rather than speed. A strike is called whenever the ball drops onto home plate. In three-pitch softball, a player pitches to his or her own team. Strikes and balls are not called. If a batter fails to hit the ball fair after three pitches, he or she is out.

Teams should select the type of softball they want to play and contact their city parks and recreation department to apply for admission to a league. Most leagues hold preseason manager meetings and some leagues have waiting lists from one season to the next. Classification games are held before the season to assign teams to leagues, based on their competitive level.

Team rosters are usually limited to a maximum of 20 players, and co-ed teams must field an equal number of men and women. Though all-male teams make up the majority of municipal leagues, most cities also have women’s and co-ed leagues. A county-wide senior (50 and over) league is coordinated by Jim Bradshaw in the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department.


Individuals who are interested in playing but do not have a team should contact their local parks and recreation department. Many departments keep a list of independent players and will try to match them with teams or provide a list of team managers for the individual to contact.


Municipal leagues are coordinated through the parks and recreation departments in all San Diego County cities. In addition, independent leagues are run through local organizations such as recreation centers and churches. Field location and condition vary. Teams usually cannot request to play on a specific field.


Softball is played year-round in San Diego. Though softball is usually associated with summer, some cities enlarge their leagues in the fall because fields occupied by Little League teams become available. Depending on the municipality, the summer softball season is now either half finished or just ending, and fall organizational meetings will take place during the first week of August. Some leagues play three seasons: summer, fall and winter. Others play just summer and winter seasons.


Games are usually held on Sunday afternoons and on week nights, depending on availability of lighted fields.


The cost, per team, to participate in a municipal league season runs between $115 and $425, with the average cost at about $300. The high-end price usually includes upkeep of the field, lighting costs, a scorer, team trophies and umpires. The low-end cost usually excludes umpire fees, which average $12 per umpire per game.


Players are responsible for providing their own gloves and bats. Uniforms and cleats are not required and metal cleats are prohibited in leagues. Balls are usually provided by the league.
