
Reagan’s Rating of Shultz Performance: ‘Honest, Sincere’

United Press International

President Reagan watched Secretary of State George P. Shultz testify about disarray in the White House and felt his statements were “honest and sincere and helpful,” White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said today.

“The President saw part of the testimony (Thursday) and he feels Secretary Shultz did an excellent job,” Fitzwater said.

He said Reagan did not accept any of Shultz’s three offers to resign because “he wants him on the team. He did a good job then, he’s doing a good job now.”


Fitzwater said, “He felt his testimony was honest and sincere and helpful” and “very similar” to the Tower Commission’s analysis of the Iran- contra affair.

Asked about Shultz’s portrayal of a White House in “total disarray,” Fitzwater replied, “It was a picture that was not new to him.”
