
Cerritos : 3rd Survey on Park Name

Residents living near the city’s newest park will be surveyed for a third time on what to call the 4 1/2-acre site west of Eric Avenue at Rose Street. A widening debate over the naming of the park prompted the Cerritos City Council to ask staff members to send out ballots to several hundred nearby homeowners in an attempt to settle the dispute.

Based on an initial survey done by residents, the City Council named the park The Field. It was the top vote getter, and was particularly popular among children who for years simply referred to the weed-covered lot as The Field. But other homeowners objected to the name, saying it was too nondescript, too obscure. So they conducted a second survey and the top choice was Rosewood Park.

Now, to settle the neighborhood squabble, which has drawn citywide attention, the council has called for a third study. Ballots will be mailed to residents with three potential park names--The Field, Rosewood Park or Green Field. Residents must return the ballots to City Hall by July 8 and a final selection is expected at the July 16 council meeting.
