
‘Animals Are Victims of Slavery’

I read Carlsen’s excellent piece on animal rights with interest.

It is time for our overly violent and overly populous species to take a hard look at the manner in which we are living on this planet. Our sanctioning of intentional acts of cruelty at every level of society, from factory farm, to laboratory, to prisons and battlefields, has yet to produce a better human being. I do not believe it is possible to confine cruelty to what we might consider to be ugly, lesser creatures.

And what of the people who perform these acts? Is it possible to shut off one’s feelings of empathy and compassion during the day and then simply turn them back on again on the drive home? Fat chance.

Significant change in this area, as in others, will not come easily, but it must come just the same, for the benefit of us all.



Huntington Beach
