
Prop. 13 Friends Must Refurbish for Fairness

It’s a little hard to understand whether (Assessor Alexander H.) Pope is saying that taxes should be adjusted up for the pre-Proposition 13 homeowners or down for the people who have purchased their homes since.

My guess: He wants to see taxes adjusted upward. Most officials of his kind never think of adjusting budgets to fit income or reduce expenditures and reduce taxes.

I have been in the real estate and building business in California since 1955 and have not heard a great amount of dissatisfaction about the so-called unequal taxation from the public.


However, the bureaucrats would like to develop a hue and cry so they can offer an excuse to initiate legislation to raise taxes under the guise of equalization. I favor legislation to equalize property taxes by reducing the taxes on everybody’s property, particularly those who have purchased since Proposition 13.


Apple Valley
