
Stanton : Six to Be Interviewed for City Manager Position

Six finalists for the city manager’s job will be interviewed today and the City Council will hold a special session tonight to go over the findings and possibly make a decision.

Six 3-person teams will interview each finalist during the day, with a council member, city commissioner and a staff member on each team, except one, which will include two city managers, Art Simonian of Yorba Linda and Chris Christiansen of Westminster, and Anaheim Assistant City Manager Ron Bates.

There have been 52 applications for the job since Kevin O’Rourke resigned to become Buena Park city manager in November. Redevelopment Director Roy Bruckner has served as interim manager while also handling his original post and that of city clerk.


O’Rourke’s salary was $52,560 a year, according to Jim Palm, assistant to the city manager. Palm said advertisements for the opening were placed in various trade publications, and notices were mailed to cities throughout California.

Mayor Mike Pace said the council could make a decision tonight or at its regular meeting Tuesday.
