
Opinion: Social media wrap: The occasional wit and wisdom of Fred Thompson

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Fred Thompson, former GOP senator, presidential candidate, actor and prolific Tweeter, is usually one of the more entertaining pols out there in social media. Here are some of his recent bons mots:

Hillary in Kiev, Ukraine: prosperity should be ‘equally spread’. No - doesn’t work. That’s why you didn’t speak in Kiev, USSR. #ftrs #tcot


Jimmy Buffet: oil spill Bush’s fault. Why trust his opinion? He can’t even keep track of a shaker of salt. #ftrs #tcot

Justice Kennedy: won’t retire while Obama in office. So we’re safe, barring accident, illness, or Rolling Stone interview. #ftrs #tcot

Obama: US and Israel share an ‘unbreakable’ bond. Obama should know. He’s been trying to break it for months. #ftrs #tcot


AG Holder: AZ immig law ‘crossed constitutional line’. Wish he were that concerned about crossing border lines. #ftrs #tcot
Justice Dept getting tough on illegal immig. Unfortunately, getting tough on people defending....

...the law, not people breaking it. #ftrs #tcot

Biden to Afghan leaders: ‘get in the game’. Kinda hard to do that when Obama keeps threatening to take his ball and go home. #ftrs #tcot

Def Sec Gates: all reporter contacts to be cleared by Pentagon. Thought we already had Rules of Engagment for hostile forces? #ftrs #tcot

LA Parish President waits 3 hrs for Biden, who talks 30 sec & leaves. But when talking with Joe, 30 seconds FEELS like 3 hours. #ftrs #tcot


Woman accuses Al Gore of acting like a ‘sex-crazed poodle’. That’s just crazy. Poodles don’t believe in global warming. #ftrs #tcot

Boehner: fin ref bill like using nuke to kill an ant. Actually, it’s more like trying to kill a bear by feeding it honey. #ftrs #tcot

43% of swine flu vaccine unused & to be destroyed. Sounds bad, but will look like model of efficiency after ObamaCare kicks in. #ftrs #tcot

Obama: must fix broken immigration system. Ya know what’s better than a new law on immigration? A new wall on the border. #ftrs #tcot

Biden in New Orleans: ‘sometimes life’s not fair’. As proven by the fact that the crowd was attending a Biden speech. #ftrs #tcot

Those Russian spies can really hide their identities. You’ve got 1 pretending to be Lindsay Lohan & 1 pretending to be Houdini. #ftrs #tcot


10,000-year-old hunting weapon found near Yellowstone National Park. Next to it was a 10,000 year old Democrat trying to ban it. #ftrs #tcot

AG Holder in Afghanistan to talk about corruption. Afghan officials told Holder, ‘Thanks, but we’ve already got plenty’. #ftrs #tcot

Moscow:Russian spy arrest won’t ‘negatively affect relations’ w/ US... if Obama agrees to reveal location of Moose and Squirrel. #ftrs #tcot

Chris Matthews:fix recession like we fixed Great Depression. So...keep spending like crazy & wait for Japan to bomb Peal Harbor? #ftrs #tcot

During Biden speech, GE exec collapsed on stage. When that happens, best to just stay calm & check the victim for snoring. #ftrs #tcot

Kagan: ok to ban books if govt doesn’t enforce law. Sure, & using gun to hold up liquor store fine if you don’t pull the trigger #ftrs #tcot
From Blago trial: Oprah considered for Obama seat. Ridiculous! I’ve been in the Senate. Jerry Springer’s the man for the job. #ftrs #tcot


# FBI arrested 11 Russian spies. Apparently not very good at it. Not one of them had a subscription to the New York Times. #ftrs #tcot

Biden calls custard shop mgr ‘smartass’. Obama would fire him for rude talk... if Joe were in charge of anything important. #ftrs #tcot

Census workers caught faking 10,000 forms. At least now we’ll have people to fill Obama’s fake stimulus jobs. #ftrs #tcot

Obama: coming budget cuts will give people ‘difficult choices’. Thought we already got that with ‘buy insurance or go to jail’? #ftrs #tcot

Obama to increase broadband internet. Good. Now we’ll be able to find out twice as fast when he doesn’t post new bills on line. #ftrs #tcot

G20 nations commit to halving budget deficits by 2013. Instead of spending way too much taxpayer cash, will only spend too much #ftrs #tcot

What I wish Kagan would say is her judicial philosophy: ‘Federal govt can’t do what it wants simply because it WANTS to.’ #ftrs #tcot

SCOTUS used 14th A. to apply 2nd A. to states & cities. First time I’ve ever seen liberals sad over an expansion of rights. #ftrs #tcot

-- Craig Howie

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